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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Smith Family Visit

The Smith Family was so kind to share their photos with us! Thanks!

This owl was hanging around the Retreat all week. Makes the coolest noises. 8-6-09

Owner Response: SO THAT'S WHAT WE HEARD!!!! We heard that owl too, when we were over there last week cleaning the house up and replacing the sink. We looked for it, but never saw it. It was out there a long time. The first time we heard it, it was in a tree near the laundry room. The kids saw it fly over towards the mercury light, by the garage, but my husband and I never saw it. It was LOUD! We thought it was a screech owl, but from this photo you took, it looks like a Barn Owl. Was it a bigger sized owl???

Getting firewood at the Mast Amish Sawmill in Gladwin.

Pet bass looking for handouts.

8 inch Bluegill. Of course, he gets thrown back to get even bigger!

Another nice bass.

Enjoying a canoe ride around the pond.

Daisy at the beach 8-7-09

Midnight fishing!

Dog napping...

Another nice bass! Good job!