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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Darn Bear!!! (Report from the Retreat in the Woods)

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Darn Bear! He's back. We've been staying over at the Retreat the last week or so. I hadn't put any bird seed in the feeders until about 5 days ago. Well.... this morning we woke up to knocked down and bent bird feeders. He even bent my bear resistant one. I'll have to get it rewelded. The weld on it broke last year and I never got around to fixing it. Now I have to.

Usually we don't see any evidence of the bear until June... but it looks like he's visiting earlier.

We've never had a problem with the bears bothering people. They are more scared of you, than you of them. Every encounter we've had, they've run away went they see people or hear a loud noise.

Regardless... we still do not leave people food outside over night. It can
attract other critters too.

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